Life as we know it~ I want to document all my traveling experience and also my experiences in my own country~~~ So please look forward to more adventures in Malaysia and soon to be in Japan (October) =D I started a youtube channel to further my growth as a person, strange? Well, I am always looking for new and exciting challanges and I think youtube challanges my creative abilities, talking in front of the camera and my courage to post what i do and what i say online with the fear of getting hated. But I do not want to stop in youtube, I still would love to further challange myself by going on advantures and learning a new foreign language! I would also love to meet new people, talk to new people and embrace this change in my life. ANYWAYS! LOL Will be posting videos every WEEK! and more if i have the time~ Thank you for your patience =D Thank you for your support! and please don't hesitate to give me feedback on my videos =D
2020 subscribers
