GamerBody: Welcome to GamerBody! My name is Darrik and my goal is to help you build muscle and gain confidence from the comfort of home. Without building a massive gym, I want to show you it is a lot easier than you think to sculpt a great looking body. No, I do not starve myself, do HIIT, or workout 7 days a week. Instead, I focus on creating a lifestyle I can consistently follow with exercises that provide the best results. This way I can cut down on my overall training time and spend more time doing what I love, playing video games. I also work a 9-5 job in customer support. No, I do not train all hours of the day. I have to pay the bills and this plays a big factor as to why I workout at home. I want to save time and money in the long run, so the gym had to take the hit allowing more time back in my day. With that said, learn the fundamentals, improve over time, and TAKE ACTION consistently to see results. Be Fit - Game On!
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