Tech 4U Tech That Matters
Welcome To Tech4U-Tech That Matters, my name is David and my channel is mostly about Reviews, Unboxing, Tutorials and more. I've been with YouTube since September 2016 and I started this channel because I love Tech and NO I do not deal with IOS sorry to disappoint but in reality everything I learned and still am learning is all Android based, I love to share my knowledge with all of you and I hope my channel can help you with your tech issues. Don't forget to Subscribe to my channel, but for now take care and hope to hear from you all soon. If you have any video requests that you would possibly want me to do, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. You can email me at And Please Subscribe to my channel at If you have any Questions please email me and if you also have any ideas what content you would like to see let me know and i will get back to you shortly and again thanks for visiting.
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