NobleArcade is here to share, suggest and promote the most AWESOME indie games available on today's modern platforms. Hi everyone my name is Noble and welcome to The Arcade. I've been a gamer for as long as I can remember and my goal here is to have fun while sharing my gaming experiences with you. Maybe I can even persuade you to trying out a game you thought you'd never try. Listen, Triple-A games are amazing and you may even catch me playing a few from time to time but can we all agree most Triple-A titles are a little same-y? That's why I enjoy indie games so much. Indie games offer new worlds to explore, new character to get to learn about and often new game mechanics larger games are afraid of trying. If you see something here you think you might enjoy please support indie devs and pick up the game for yourself. Here you'll also find: First Looks, Reviews, Guides, PlayThroughs and other video game projects. Subscribe now and start your own indie game adventure.
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