Justin (ジャステング) -- Canadian -- Traditional Artist -- Music Composer -- March 26th. DAWs: Org210x (ORGanya), PxTone Collage, FL Studio, LittleBigPlanet 2/3 Music Sequencer. Also home to my selectively notorious series "Jusu' Talks", where I simply talk about whatever I want to talk about. If there are any issues/concerns/disliking you have with my content, criticize it *constructively*; don't be a jackass about it. **DISCLAIMER: My content -- especially spoken, -- is *NOT* politically correct, and by extension, is not suitable for underage, impressionable, nor sensitive and sanctimonious audiences. A part of my channel art says "swearing" for a reason; while I won't hesitate to cuss or be coarse, I'm not an edgelord *asking* to be suspended. Know the difference.
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