How to use the Java Ternary Operator by Example


Every developer should learn how to use the Java ternary operator. With just a few keystrokes, the ternary operator in Java can replace multiple lines of if then else code and make your code look much more clear and concise. What is the Java ternary operator? The Java ternary operator, often abbreviated with the ternary operator symbol ?:, simply evaluates a Boolean condition, and then returns an value based on whether the condition was true or false. In this quick Java ternary operator example, we compare and contrast if else with ternary operators, and show you some best practices on its integration into code. If you want to learn how to minimize code with nested Java ternary operators, this example tutorial is for you! 0:00 What is the Java ternary operator 0:30 Java ternary if comparison 0:45 How to use the Java ternary operator 1:00 Java ternary operator return 2:00 Java ternary operator examples 3:00 Nexted Java ternary operators 3:20 Java 8 ternary operator 3:40 Java ternary operator symbol 3:55 Java ternary operator null and void

Published by: Cameron McKenzie Published at: 2 years ago Category: آموزشی