Symptoms of West Nile Virus -- Including 7 Early Signs!

3436 Click on the link above for a free video video guide to using dietary supplements and herbal medicines! There is a major scare going on in the United States about the West Nile Virus. Yes this virus can be deadly, but there is some good news, which I will get to a little later. The way someone can get this virus is through an annoying mosquito. I say annoying because no matter what I do and I'll put tons of anti-mosquito lotion and spray on me, mosquitos love me. What happens is that the mosquito can feed on a bird that has the virus. When that same mosquito bites a human it will transfer the virus to the unlucky host. The good news is that it's not spread through person to person or animal to person. It's not like the normal flu virus. Once the virus inters the body it starts to reproduce and spread. In the unfortunate event the virus reaches the brain, then as you can imagine that is very bad news. This could be good or bad news, but most of the time symptoms don't appear. The CDC in America estimates that about 1 in 5 people will develop some type of sign or symptom of this virus. This usually involves a fever. Other common signs could be body aches, feeling fatigued, head pain and feeling nauseas. A rash could appear on the chest back or arms as well as swollen lymph nodes. These lymph nodes are usually in the groin region, chest, neck and armpits. I know what you're probably thinking if I get this west nile virus and don't notice the symptoms how do I know it crossed the brain barrier? That is a good question and then the symptoms will get worse. These symptoms could include a stiff neck, confusion, tremors, convulsions, paralysis and even a coma. Remember how I said there was some good news about this health problem? Well it turns out that less 1% of mosquitos in any area where there is a chance of west nile virus have been found. Even better news is that fewer than 1% of people who are bitten and get the virus become seriously ill. So the chance of you getting really sick from this virus is 1% in a contaminated area and 1% of that. You have more of a chance of having an asteroid fall down from the sky and hit you on the head then dying from west nile virus. Like any virus having a strong immune system can make the difference between feeling like hell and a million dollars. One of the easiest ways to do that, apart from washing your hands a lot is by using various supplements and herbs. I can't go over all these remedies today and if you're interested I recommend viewing a report and video guide I created on this topic. This video guide goes over how to shop for herbs and supplements, what to take for certain health problems and a lot more bizarre alternative remedies that work. The best thing is that it's completely free, so why not right? You can learn more by clicking on the link

Published by: kwhitsitt1 Published at: 10 years ago Category: آموزشی