Farmers Walk Benefits - Exercise Tutorial


How To Do The Farmers Walk... Very simple exercise that packs a punch and provides a killer total body strength & conditioning workout. The Farmers Walk (aka Farmers Carry) is one of the simplest exercises you can do. But it's also very effective for building real world functional strength throughout the traps, back, core, forearms, grip, hips, thighs, calves, and ankles. Sometimes the most basic exercises can be the most productive - if you are willing to put in the work! You can do farmers walks with dumbbells, kettle bells, farmers walk handles, heavy buckets, sandbags, suit cases, or whatever... Basically you just grab the weights and go for a walk. You can also do single arm farmers walks as well, which is the exact same exercise holding one weight at a time. The single arm variation is actually harder because it off sets your balance and requires more core stabilization to come into play. I personally like to mix it up and vary my farmers walk workouts with doing two arm carries and single arm carries. Here are a few key points to remember when doing the farmer walk to get maximum benefit from the exercise... Keep your head up and in a neutral position, try to avoid the tendency to look down and hunch forward as you're walking with the weights. Keep your arms straight by your sides, try not to shrug your shoulders or bend your arms. You can get a much better grip if you use lifting chalk on your hands. The chalk will dry up sweat and increase friction between your skin and the handles. This can dramatically improve your performance when doing farmers walks. If you've never done the farmers walk before, just start off with a moderately light set of dumbbells. Most guys should easily be able to lift 50 pounds in each hand when starting off. Just practice walking back and forth the gym for a minute to get used to the exercise. Each set increase the weight and strive to walk for a minute at a time. When you get to the point where your grip is a limiting factor and you can no longer hold onto the weights, your farmers walk workout is done. To get maximum benefit without hindering your other exercises, do the farmers walk at the end of your training session. This way when your hands are fatigued and go to mush it won't matter. But if you did them at the start of your workout your hands would be pre-exhausted and useless for your other exercises. Start off light, go for 2 x 1 minute laps of the farmers walk carry and build up the weights and volume week by week as your strength improves. If you haven't already done so, make sure to subscribe to Critical Bench's YouTube Channel at: And if you'd like some help with your workouts, with your nutrition program, etc. just send me an e-mail to and we can chat about a realistic approach that's right for you. #leehayward #criticalbench #farmerswalk #farmerscarry

Published by: Total Fitness Bodybuilding Published at: 5 years ago Category: مردم و وبلاگ